Monday, July 30, 2012


            This was a supreme triumph in my opinion, and was shockingly good for a direct to private cable release. This HBO film was really quite good, with superior acting from a razor sharp cast including Stanley Tucci and the world famous Kenneth Brannagh. This film follows a detailed account of the meeting in the winter of 1942 which revealed the Final Solution to the mid-level officers of the SS and the German Armed Forces, as well as the various Ministry heads. The meeting itself was spearheaded by Heydrich Himler (Brannagh) who later become the Butcher of Prague, while the details themselves were plotted out by his lieutenant Adolf Eichmann (Tucci), and together these men are two of the most infamous nazis in the history of genocide.
            The whole idea, of making the movie about a two hour meeting is ingenious, and pulled off in fantastic style. The portrayal of Himler was especially good, and the overall spirit and demeanor of the film which is set by the low key Eichmann is maintained by the entire cast, creating one of the most lucid and soul-eating portrayals of the Socialist Regime and their Anti-Semitic lifestyles.
            The very way they speak of Hitler and exalt him establishes the base for their actions, and the 15 participants struggle over the final solution, which Heydrich already has completely mapped out and under construction, and as he repeats frequently, his goal is unanimity, which he seeks to attain by any means.
            He is portrayed as a master of personal communication, and a strong armed and soulless killer. But yet, a german gentleman to the end. An ensemble cast plays off of his self-confident direction of the meeting with perfect timing and inclination.
            I was actually captivated at the discussion of the Jewish Problem, and the true to life dialogue regarding their Evacuation (Extermination) as opposed to their Sterilization.
The lengths the germans of varying mentalities would go to justify the mass murder, and the brainwashed language which flowed so easily forth from their lips. The most surprising part was in the epilogue, when the fates of the men involved revealed that almost two-thirds of them got away with it and went on to live lives of all different sort. Only 4 of the men were executed. This is another powerful corner to the image of the Holocaust that is slowly being painted in my mind as I begin to again watch films regarding it. A definite 2 with desire to learn more.

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