Monday, July 30, 2012

8 Mile

            Eminem stars in his debut movie about a down and out rapper in the Detroit industrial sector. Jimmy Smith Jr. aka Rabbit has some of the dopest rhymes out there, but he chokes every time he gets up in front of the entirely black crowd. Being white trash was never espoused so profoundly. His mom (Kim Basinger, L.A. Confidential) is a bingo playing, mattress hopping, piece of work who is currently with one of Rabbit’s high school friends and living in a trailor with Rabbit’s little sister.
            Jimmy has moved back in with his mom after breaking up with his supposedly pregnant girlfriend, and losing his job and car. He’s pretty much down and out, and trying to scare up any kind of spark, and dreaming of a rap career while working at an auto yard.
            His friends are supportive, and as they do battle in the streets and in the rap-battles with the so-called “free world” rap crew, Jimmy begins to overcome his fears and seek for his dreams realistically. Brittany Murphy (Just Married) plays a fellow dreamer who Jimmy hooks up with. Overall, this is a great movie. Eminem acts circles around Murphy and keeps up quite efficiently with Basinger.
            The soundtrack is one of the best things. Dynamic sound editing, similar to The Transporter makes it come alive, and that and the showdown at the end between Rabbit and the Free World is one of the coolest climaxes in modern film. I really enjoyed this movie. But watch out for 200 F-bombs and 3 Sex scenes; 1 of which detracts so much from the movie, it’s ridiculous. 2.

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