movie is a hilarious look at what it means to have children and be a family.
Two young people (Jim from the office and one of the girls from SNL) play a
hilarious couple who have just become pregnant, and are wondering where they
should raise the baby and what that would look like to be a family.
take a few weeks and travel around to different people, his aunt and uncle, who
have a horrible family, and she’s always picking on the kids and alienating
them. His cousin who is a super hippie, and contributes one of the funniest
scenes in the movie when she shares her view of strollers.
friends from college who have adopted and are foster parents, but have had a
series of miscarriages, her sister in phoenix, I don’t remember the problem
there. His brother in Miami who’s wife just abandoned him with the kids, and a
series of thoughts bring up some of the real underlying problems, like the fact
that they’ve never gotten married because she is still mourning the passing of
her parents.
many ways this is a fun and hilarious road trip that really symbolizes what
many movies have brought up latelt, including Into the Wild, which is thye search for connection and home.
Ultimately they decide to live and raise the children in her parents home,
which is an ultimate homecoming and the start of a new connection, so it really
is a redemption moment as they discover where they belong.
is essential, really, and that’s what Away We Go is all about. 2.
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