An epic in visual and technical excellence, Troy is an elegantly done representation of the Iliad by Homer. Starring Brad Pitt, Eric Bana and Orlando Bloom, this depicts the unification of Greece, the altercation and eventual sacking of Troy in very graphic detail. Even as I watched I noticed many details which most viewers would neglect that added to the authenticity of this legendary battle.
The Theme of honor runs rich in the veins of this movie, and is drawn out in the life of every noteworthy character, particularly the legendary and invulnerable Achilles. In addition, the hand of fate, a prominent western-greek concept has a powerful representation. Much like Gladiator, this movie blends the philosophical worldview of the ancient world with tremendous action sequences, and shines forth as a great, great movie. Easily a 2 and worth seeing again.
It follows the traditional story of the Iliad, as Agamemnon unites all Greece under Athens, Menelaus, the king of Sparta is betrayed by his wife and Paris the Prince of Troy. Agamemnon goes to war for his brothers wife, but all the more so to conquer Troy. With all the kings of Greece, including Odysseus and Achilles, and Ajax, they show up and storm the city of Troy. Though the poem lasts 10 years or so, the actual war takes about 2 weeks in the movie. It features many authentic battle tactics and great sequences, as well as many well played performances, though much of Brad Pitt’s becomes hammy.
Surprising is Orlando Blooms portrayal of Paris, who, despite his starlight history in movies, comes off very well as the sniveling brat, in no way admirable. Go see this movie, and watch it with your friends.
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