Monday, January 20, 2014


This is one of the movies that I got a recommendation from a famous directors, and I was surprised that the movie was so amateur. But it is about the filmmaking industry, specifically a sound man (John Travolta, Look Who’s Talking) who is out recording sounds for a new horro film, when he witnesses a car wreck. What he records is not a simple car wreck, he finds extra sounds which he believes to be a gunshor.
Kind of a mixture of a detective movie, thriller and some romantic elements thrown in and al romanticized and staged at the backdrop of a B-movie studio. There’s not a lot left to say about this, the plot is actually startlingly original and it really will engage a person who has a technical interest in movies, but the acting is flat, and really, Travolta got stuck playing a lot of earlier roles that were too straight up for him. He can’t relax and put some clever attitude into it, so it’s boring. 

There is nothing at all memorable about this movie, John Lithgow is also in this movie, but nearly the force that he is in other movies. Realistically, this movie is a 1, but it’s not all bad, and you might want to check it out, if it sounds interesting to you. 

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