the daughter takes a summer trip to France, she is almost immediately kidnapped
along with her friend, by a nasty group of Albanian gangsters who specialize in
human trafficking. Niesan flips into action, basically going into killer mode,
and taking no prisoners in his pursuit of those who have wronged him and his
plays out very formulaically, a cross between Ransom and Payback (both Mel
Gibson movies) with a healthy dose of Man on Fire. This is actually very close
to the original Man on Fire which is set in Italy, where Taken is featured in
France. So through various circumstances and contacts, he tracks her down and
kills everyone, and it’s just so plain, and so not original, and really not
much of a bad ass movie, although Niesen can't really do any wrong as a character actor. For all that it alleges to be, I wouldn't watch it again, though I will probably check out the sequel. Definitely a 1.